The Human Adventure Continues
It's hard to put into words the feeling in the room before Discovery aired. It had been more than 12 years since the last time Star Trek beamed into our viewscreens each week. Oh, sure, we've had dozens of novels, a handful of games, and three rebooted movies in the Kelvin Timeline, but where Star Trek truly soars is through the television medium. I would say I felt a sense of wonder, excitement, and, yes, some skepticism--it could be possible that CBS All Access could miss the mark: what with the multiple delays, Bryan Fuller's exit, and a serious lack of news and updates during the majority of the first season's production. And speaking of delays, the additional 18-minute delay we fans had to endure because of the NFL game going into overtime didn't help the collective blood pressure of Trekkies & Trekkers in the States. But it came, in all its glory, as the camera zoomed out from the eye of T'Kuvma and the next chapter of the human adventure began. ...